Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Summer season is almost over....actually its been windy outside this last week
and in the mid-high 70's during the daytime.

ok, recently I stepped on the scales and found out my weight has crept back up
to 175#. So this week I spent some time in Flagstaff,AZ and went to a couple new
places to eat. Now mostly what I ate was vegetarian food and it was all yummy:
even had couscous with almonds & fruit for breakfast at Macy's coffeehouse. Had
lots of veggie sandwiches/wraps for lunch & dinners. My 1 splurge was a teeny
slice of peach cheesecake at Macy's last night.

Now during Fall season, the produce section of the stores will be changing a bit
again. So I will be able to get more zucchini, squash, broccoli, grapes, pomegranates,
pears & yams/sweet potatoes now. Supposedly Guava is a Fall season fruit so I think
its about time I try that. Luckily Bell peppers, carrots & avocados are available
year-round because I love all 3 of those.
So if anyone has yummy recipes for squash please pass them on...remember I live in a
dorm-style room without a kitchen....meaning I don't have a stovetop or oven but I do have a rice cooker & crockpot that I should start using again.

Business at work has been slowing down, which means that I will have more time to go
walking...will just have to remember to carry my jacket around more often in case I
get sent home early.

For September:
I will drink more water & less coffee
Eat more Salad at work
snack on grapes or frozen fruit (like in my background pic) instead of boxed
Go for a walk couple days a week

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